Recommend Foundation For All Skin Types
Analyze your customer's skin and suggest the best-suited foundation that can be tried in real-time
The skintone of a girl is detected using AI
The skintone of a girl with face mesh is detected using foundation shade finder
  • We use the full spectrum of the users' skin tones and data from over 31 million foundation users worldwide
  • Our proprietary algorithm offers a high level of precision ensuring 100% accuracy
  • The technology supports full skin tone shades, so every customer is represented
Brand Benefits
Increase customer confidence and conversion rate
Offer personalized recommendations
Optimize the purchase journey of your customers
Reduce sampling cost
How It Works
Three steps of how AI Foundation Finder of Orbo works. First step is auto-detection of skin tone. Second step is Foundation product is recommended. Third step is the foundation is virtually applied to the girls’ face
  • Upload a front-facing photo
  • Our technology analyses the natural skin color of your face
  • The matching foundation shade along with a few alternatives are recommended
Who We Work With ?
Developers and
camera apps
Deliver a great customer experience
Online and
offline retailers
Create a powerful
conversion funnel
Color cosmetics
Bridge the gap between product & customer
Advertising and marketing agencies
Enable agencies to create sales opportunities
How/Where To Integrate
Skin tone of a woman is detected
Integrate our foundation shade finder API or SDK across multiple devices
Cross-platform Integration
AI Foundation Shade Finder of Orbo can be integrated into a mobile app, digital kiosk and smart mirror
As a smart mirror, digital kiosk, website, tablet, and mobile application
Realistic Beauty Try-on Simulations
Let buyers experiment with trending looks or your products and virtually try makeup on your app, site, or even a retail kiosk
A woman has applied makeup
Let's Build A Success Story Together
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